Wse mount and blade
Wse mount and blade

Regional Patrols - Up to three customizable bands of soldiers are at your command, if you can afford their upkeep, to patrol the lands around your fiefs and keep the bandit population down. Garrison Recruitment - Through a unique interface you can now queue up exactly which type and how many troops you want hired for each garrison that you own and those requests will be filled out based upon the budget you limit it to. Royal Decrees - Special times call for special measures and as a ruler you’ll be able to enact specific decrees to alter how things are handled within your kingdom from forcing conscription to focusing efforts on rebuilding.

wse mount and blade wse mount and blade

Domestic Policies – Going beyond naming and troop differences, your culture can set its own policies that influences its main focus, how it interacts with neighbors, how desertion is handled, how your culture views slavery and the kind of cultural unity your troops have. 3 & Trade Ledger Rubik - Custom Commander (automatic purchase of food, auto-selling & visiting village elders) * Troop Ratio Bar * Companion Import / Export Sphere - Modmerger Framework, Dynamic Arrays & Game Options Setup Motomataru - Formations Kit MadocComadrin - Custom Clan Banner Pack Zagibu - Heraldic Armors DOMA - Cinematic Compilation Mod Nemchenk - Ethnic Troops Neil_v - Blood Enhancement Tweaks Mortal - Mortal Women Sound Pack Dejawolf - Numerous helmet items. Cmpxchg8bit - Warband Script Enhancer v3.1.5 Caba'drin - Pre-Battle Orders & Deployment 0.96. File credits Floris Mod Team - Minor edits from the Floris mod pack are included.

Wse mount and blade