You can always end a recording to make it no longer publicly available on Twitter by deleting your recording via the more icon. If you choose to record your Space, once the live Space ends, your recording will be immediately and publicly available for anyone to listen to whenever they want. This allows you to cut out any dead air time that might occur at the beginning of a Space. Under host settings, you will have the option to choose where to start your recording with Edit start time. Under Notifications, you can also View details to Tweet the recording. Once the Space ends, you will see how many people attended the Space along with a link to share out via a Tweet. While recording, a recording symbol will appear at the top to indicate that the Space is being recorded by the host. When creating a Space, toggle on Record Space. Hosts can record Spaces they create for replay.
If you’re hosting, make sure to Tweet out the link to your Space so other people can join. As a listener, choose whether or not you want to see captions by tapping the Show captions button in your Spaces settings. This will allow people who need captions to follow along with the conversation. As the host, you’ll need to follow the prompts to allow captions. Allow mic access (speaking ability) to speakers by toggling Allow mic access to on. When creating a Space, the host will join with their mic off and be the only speaker in the Space. Once the Space has started, the host can send requests to listeners to become co-hosts or speakers by tapping on the people icon and adding co-hosts or speakers, or tapping on a person’s profile picture within a Space and adding them as a co-host or speaker. Listeners can request permission to speak from the host by tapping on the Request icon below the microphone. Choose the date and time you'd like your Space to go live. To schedule a Space, tap Schedule for later. Up to 13 people (including the host and 2 co-hosts) can speak in a Space at any given time. When creating a new Space, you will see options to Name your Space and Start your Space. Listeners can be directly invited into a Space by DMing them a link to the Space, Tweeting out a link, or sharing a link elsewhere. Spaces are public, so anyone can join as a listener, including people who don’t follow you. Or, tap on your profile image at the top of your timeline. As a host on iOS, you can start a Space in two ways: Long press on the Tweet compose on your Home timeline and then tap the new Spaces icon (multiple circles forming a diamond shape) on the far left.